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Friday, March 21, 2025

M + M Inc. Read Through Alan Brennert's Batman


Is this the best comic book ever? Keep reading!

The boys are back in town, and that town is Gotham City. Yep, M & M Inc. are taking a look at five ‘80s Batman stories from writer Alan Brennert. A screenwriter, author, and producer by trade, Brennert is a lifelong comic book lover who gifted us with just a handful or more of comics over the years, but his hits-to-misses ratio is off the charts. He’s basically pitched the perfect game of comic book writing. Each one of this stories is heartfelt and memorable. Many of them starred Batman, and it’s five of those pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths tales that we’re going to read and discuss here, starting with an anniversary issue, Detective 500, followed by four issues of The Brave and the Bold.

Michael: I read all of these as a kid and love them to this day, especially the final story we’ll be covering, “The Autobiography of Bruce Wayne.” I’m friends with Mr. Brennert on Facebook and hope he’ll see our post when it’s done! He always seems humbled to learn how much fans love his comic book work. 

Mark, what is your experience with Alan Brennert and these particular issues of his? 

Mark: I just read that intro that Alan Brennert wrote in his 2016 collection. He tells a story about trying to sell his first comic story to Creepy, and if he had, maybe he becomes a full time comic book guy. I wish he had sold that comic, because everything he writes is off the charts good. Knowing that he wrote some of the 1980s Twilight Zone tv show, I kind of see his Batman stories as Twilight Zoneish stories. Phantom Stranger is totally a Twilight Zone kind of guy. Let's jump into his first story that appeared in Detective 500! 

It looks like a normal Batman story, but it got me crying. Dick Giordano at his height.

Detective Comics 500

Michael: I love the origin for this story, which Alan Brennert tells in the introduction to the collected edition of his Batman comics. He pitched the idea to pal Paul Levitz for someone else to write, but Levitz said, “You’re a writer. Why don’t you write it?” And thus was born Brennert’s first published comics story. Not only did DC publish it, but they did so in a major anniversary issue! Amazing stuff. 

I love how in his first Batman story, Brennert establishes what makes his Batman so special. There’s real heart behind this issue, a pathos too, as it deals with loss and grief, and trying to go back and change the past to help ease your grief. When Phantom Stranger offers Batman the chance to travel to an alternate universe to save the lives of his parents on that world, he says “This is your second chance, Bruce Wayne—and I offer it to you as a friend and a comrade.” That really takes me back to the greatness of the Bronze Age, when heroes could talk to each other the way friends would in real life. 

Mark: I wish Phantom Stranger was my friend. I constantly think about going back in time and fixing a slight mistake here or there, but I've come to realize how pointless that is. It's important to appreciate everything that brought you to where you are, and all the choices you made. 

"You know that worst thing that ever happened to you? You can fix it, for another you. Not you though." - Phantom Stranger

Speaking of choices, I wonder where Batman and Robin got their civilian clothes on the alternate Earth. Bruce Wayne isn't spending Earth-1 dollars at Macy's is he? And Robin not finding any heroic mythology is insane. Did Joseph Campbell even write Hero of a 1000 Faces?? Every myth and story is just about some people hanging out, being petty, getting some food. 

Also Robin telling Batman to not stop his parent's murder, and his big reason is “You'll condemn him to a life as a spoiled playboy!” Yeah. He'll just be rich, bored, and have his parents around instead of having such a bad psychosis that he dresses up like a bat at night and punches people who also dress up and murder people. Condemned to wealth with no trauma! 

Michael: Robin’s rationale for not saving the Waynes is the kind of thing I expect from someone with absolutely no child rearing experience. Um, dude, the kid has tantrums. He’s a child! That’s what they do! It doesn’t mean he’s condemned to a lifetime as a spoiled brat. That part bugged me, but I like how Batman just ignored Robin’s nonsense. 

Yeah, this story really captures that wistful, yet conflicted feeling of wanting to go back and “fix” something in your life. Brennert writes some of the most emotionally affective comics I’ve ever read, which is why I wish he’d written more of them! Mark, what do you think of how Brennert writes Batman? 

Mark: I think he writes Bruce Wayne with a great vulnerability that you rarely see. There's an everyman projection that happens when you're reading, that makes you feel like you are Batman in that moment. I love how this finishes, where Batman didn't need his parents to die to become Batman, he just needed inspiration. In a world with no hero myths, Phantom Stranger planted the seed. The true hero here, Phantom Zone Stranger. 

Michael: Beautifully said, my friend. Brennert writes a more complex, nuanced Bruce/Batman than most writers, before or since. 

Paper like "You've crumpled me for the last time!"

The Brave and the Bold 178

Michael: Brennert’s next Bat-tale is a team up with the Creeper, in one of my favorite Bronze Age DC series, The Brave and the Bold. I like how early on we get some Dark Knight Detective work, as Batman is flummoxed by a serial murderer. Creeper shows up to help, Batman takes him to the Batcave (!) to look into clues and Creeper calls him “Bats” which he doesn’t like. Then Creeper calls “BM” which is much worse, so eventually Batman asks him to just call him Bats again. This whole part feels like it would’ve fit perfectly in the animated Brave and the Bold show!

I’m thrown by Jack Ryder’s annoyance with the other newsman at the station (love the station name: WHAM!), whose segment is all about right wing reactionary bluster. Isn’t that Ryder’s usua schtick? Maybe that’s why he’s annoyed, this guy’s ripping off his bit. 

Mark: Seeing Aparo's amazing work on the Creeper, and Brennert characterization, makes me realize I've never read my Ditko issues of Creeper. I honestly feel don't know who Jack Ryder is. I will say, it's fascinating to see a right wing propagandist exploiting fear on TV as one part of the story, and the other part is killer paper. Here kids, Killer paper! Here adult, hatred being exploited to control to gain right wing viewers on TV. I blame Fox News, but it's always been there. 

Michael: Yeah, reading this now is fairly depressing. Just proves how long we’ve cultivated hate mongering in our media. As for the killer paper, while I understand the origami connection, I wish all the negative psychic energy had manifested something a little more, I dunno, scary? Besides that though, the rest of this issue completely works for me. The Ryder/Creeper stuff is good, and it’s one of the only Creeper stories I can remember where I actually liked the Ryder identity. My favorite moment was when he tells Batman that if he only ever showed courage as Creeper, what kind of her would he be? I love how, in the midst of this fantastical killer paper story, Brennert drops some deep thoughts like that. All in all, a solid B&B tale from 1981. 

Mark: Even though the Origami villain is kind of corney, it's made for kids, right? And I was just reading about certain politicians focusing on groups, and those groups then reporting an uptick in violence. Something I know is a fact, and something Brennert threw in subtley for people to read here. Also, 70s Jim Aparo is amazing. I think his 70s work might be in my all time top 10 now. On to the next issue.


Brave and the Bold 181

Mark: So we pick this up months later. Life has been doing its things. Onward.

Michael: Brennert returned to B&B just three issues later, and once again he’s teaming Batman up with some more Ditko creations, Hawk and Dove (or, as Dove says this issue, “They call me THE DOVE, gentlemen…”). First of all Aparo is on fire as usual for this time period. He peppers the first few pages with a couple cool panels of Batman swinging on his line through San Francisco. He tracked a mobster there from Gotham and, whoch means we get a brief opening interlude with Hal (Green Lantern) and Barry (Flash). Bruce is humorless and tells them he has to jet to do some crime fighting, then Hal challenges Barry to a race down to his place in Los Angeles. I love their relationship, so fun during that era. 

Mark: This is Brennert's commentary on the 60s, as looking at what became of the spirit by 1981. Like Henley says “ We haven't had that spirit here, since 1969.” Also cool to see Kennedy, King and Lennon mentioned in the intro. He really only writes when he has something major to say.

Michael: Batman has a run in with Hawk, who is clearly losing his marbles. He’s seriously on edge, aggrieved by society’s inability to give him everything he wants out of life (seriously, he is SO Trumpy in this issue), and then raises his hand to his wife when she tells him he’s out of control. Whoa. I always hated this character but he’s loathsome so far in this issue. Meanwhile Dove is more my speed, lamenting stuff like “When did humanism become a dirty word?” I relate hard to this character so far. 

Mark: Well, we're both Doves haha. The humanism line hits today. Brennert is using them as political standins for his beliefs and I am loving it. Steve Ditko and Steve Skeates also threw their politics in, and I had heard Ditko left early because he really didn't agree with Skeates’ politics. And holllyyyyyy shhhitttt Jim Aparo's work in this is amazing. Batman swinging in moonlight, I want that as a poster! I'm literally 6 pages in and I LOVE THIS ISSUE. 

They're both fighting with their ladies, and it's the dichotomy of life. Perspectives, but the pain is the same. Brennert is so good.. 

Michael: This issue really showcases Brennert’s television writing skills. It reads like an episode of one of those great 1970s cop show dramas. I love it! It’s also amazing to consider now, 40+ years after this issue was written, how at the time they were only a decade or so out from Hawk and Dove’s debut, but Brennert makes clear how vastly different the ‘70s were from the late ‘60s. The growing disillusionment of the ‘70s feels baked into this issue, but Brennert is such a humanist that it’s filled with signs of hope and positivity. I love it so much. 

Mark: Hope is dangerous to a guy like, to misquote Lana Del Rey. Yeah, this issue is top 50 comics I've ever read. From Hawk and Dove having to face their issues, to Brennert playing out a complete commentary on two decades, to the Jim Aparo art. Just wonderful. I think we move onto the next jammy jam, cause I have nothing more to say on this one. Please go buy it.

I'm feeling things too Batman.

Brave and the Bold 182

Michael: Okay, just in the first half of this amazing issue we have our earth’s Batman being transported to Earth-2, teaming up with Earth-2 Robin, then meeting Earth-2 Kathy Kane/Batwoman. Robin is emotional because his Batman died, now he’s getting the chance to work with his dimensional counterpart, while Batman is emotional because Batwoman died on his earth the year before. Brennert makes these characters feel like real people dealing with real grief. It’s catnip for this Bat-fan. Plus: Hugo Strange! He played a big role in Batman when I was first getting into comics, so I’ve always had a soft spot for the megalomaniacal madman. 

Mark: Man, life comes at you fast. And then slows everything down. Right off the bat (man), the storms, the switching from Earth 1 to Earth 2, it's got a bit of a pre-crisis vibe to it. Also, Jim Aparo's style is starting to take more of his 80s style versus his 90s. Is this the issue that happened? Man, seeing Starman also reminds me of how much I loved Earth 2 as a kid.

This issue is early 80's X-Men levels of emotions and inner dialogues. I'm really enjoying it. And Brennert changes his style again. I've realized that every single issue he works on feels different, he doesn't stick to any repetitive storytelling constructs. 

Michael: You and I talk about this a lot, how we’re feeling our mortality more and more these days. This issue really brings that up for me. I feel old and young all at the same time, meanwhile time is flying by so fast. I relate to Batman’s existential crisis here. He’s trapped in a world that’s not his own, with expectations from others about the kind of man he should be. That’s some HEAVY stuff, man. This hits hard. It’s like Brennert looked into our souls and said, “Okay, I gotcha. I’ll write this for you.” Damn. Rereading Brennert’s Batman as an aging Gen Xer gives me an even greater appreciation for the way he writes so powerfully about life and death and everything in between. Such a beautiful issue. 

Just a quick final note: Denny O’Neil (who I normally love) unceremoniously killed off Batwoman a few years before this issue. I always hated how he just callously killed her off camera, basically. With this issue, Brennert restored some of the dignity for Kathy Kane that O’Neil had taken away. One more reason to love Brennert’s work. 

Mark: Yeah, the way Brennert really reflecting the mortality discussions we've been having. I just got though a crisis just this week (not infinite earths kind, very finite earth), and my emotions are raw. The emotions in this book are raw too. I wonder what influenced Brennert to write this issue? We need to interview him. On to the next issue! 

This is the height of comic booking.

The Brave and the Bold 197

Michael: “But lately, I’ve had this feeling that time is somehow running short, that endings are not so very far away…”


Okay, my friend. Here we are, The issue that’s quite possibly my favorite Batman issue of all time. That opening page with Bruce’s inner monologue is so deep. The entire issue is so deep. The characters grapple with so many relatable fears we all experience as we age: being alone, reconciling who we are with who we thought we’d be, and the absolutely devastating finality of life. This issue hit hard for me as a kid, before I had any real clue about life, but now it’s an overwhelmingly emotional read. It’s all I want out of great art: it makes me think about life, death, the universe, and everything. Perfection in 23 pages. Thank you, Alan Brennert for gifting us with this masterwork. 

I’ll write more about the story and art soon, but give me your initial thoughts, Mark. 

Mark: Well, I have it signed by Joe Staton, which is cool. What a nice guy! 1st thoughts? I think George Freeman is a PERECT inker for Joe. I need to find other collabs. And that Aparo cover. Man, what a time for beautiful comic art. Damnmnn yo. “But lately I've had this feeling that time is somehow running short.” Fuckkkkkk.

That age shit. Getting older. The shadow overwhelming

Get her out of jail Bruce.

Michael: Always running from that shadow, never making up any ground. That line really might be one of the most profound things I’ve ever read in a comic. Hey, I got my issue signed by Staton also! He and Freeman together are a dream team, for sure. 

“I was alone, truly alone, for the first time since my parents had been killed.” Jaysus. More deep stuff. Killing me. It’s so refreshing to see Batman portrayed as someone who loves and needs his surrogate family of friends and colleagues. Then when Bats goes to ask Selina for help defeating Scarecrow and they bond over feeling like their worlds are both shrinking…Bruce: “Dead ends and locked doors.” Selina: “Shrinking…yes. I…know that feeling.” Dammit, man! I’m crying now. 

[Interlude: Mark and Michael attended a comic con recently. While we were there, we had a lovely chat with the extremely nice Joe Staton about this particular issue and how much we adore it. Always a pleasure to talk to Joe. What a great guy!]

I love Joe Staton as a human being. 

Mark: I restart this read back in a bad place. Society has fallen apart unfortunately. Things look very bleak, bad news is constant, people's mental states are on constant attack, but we will try to find solice in the fantastic work of Alan Brennert and Joe Staton. 

Michael: Yeah, our hiatus here definitely coincided with the society tanking big time. Returning to that beautiful Brennert story though, is definitely a restorative balm at a time when we need it more than ever. 

I showed this to my wife to show her a scene where Bruce and Selena get down while on fear toxin

Mark: I'm going to start Brave and the Bold 197 again. This is the height of comic book creation. Writing, art, coloring, lettering, even publishing, it's just perfect. Right off the greatest fear someone being shot and Jim Gordon reacting reminds me of that amazing Batman Animated series episode where his daughter dies. 

The art is so good. The feelings expressed are strongly relatable. Have Staton and Freeman worked on anything else together? 

Michael: Good question, I don’t know. They should have worked together more though, that’s for sure. The art here is some of the prettiest I’ve ever seen. Beautifully melds the Dick Sprang era Batman with Staton’s and Freeman’s own styles. 

Mark: Also, I'm pretty sure this is the first appearance of the back scars on Batman concept. Still a hot concept today and used by alot of subsequent creators like Alex Ross. 

Michael: Yup, this is where that started. Brennert really added something enduring to the lore with that. 

Mark: Damn, that ending. Selina saving him from himself, I've always thought my wife sort of did the same. I was always so self destructive, but love can save you from that. I also think them getting busy in the tower got rid of Scarecrow's fear gas? Fantastic. Thank you Alan Brennert. Thank you Joe Staton. Thank George Freeman. Thank you John Costanza. Thank you Adrienne Roy. Thank you Len Wein. Thank you Jenette Kahn. Thank you Paul Levitz. Thank you Joe Orlando. Thank you Karen Berger. Thank you Dick Giordano. Thank you Alan Brennert again for all you've written.

Michael: This is my favorite Batman or Catwoman story of all time. I echo your heartfelt thanks to all those amazing creators who gifted us with such lasting work. Is this the Greatest Batman Story Ever Told? Yes, I think it is. It’s the perfect Batman-Catwoman story and ending, the one they and we deserve. Thanks for reading this with me, Mark. This issue means the world to me. 

Mark: The end. Our article, and society. Until next time.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

5 Questions With Paul Kupperberg

Paul Kupperberg is one of the most accomplished comic book writers of all time, and you couldn't go a month in the 1980s without seeing Paul's name on a DC Comic. Paul is also a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction books, and his latest is an exciting Kickstarter called Direct Creativity: The Creators who Inspired the Creators. 

Direct Creativity is a collection of new one-on-one talks with 18 comic book creators about the people, comics, books, movies, and television that sparked and inspired them and drove them to create. The line-up of talent includes D.G. Chichester, Mike Collins, Gerry Conway, Mike DeCarlo, J.M. DeMatteis, Dan DiDio, Marc Guggenheim, Joe Illidge, Barbara Kaalberg, Tom King, Mark Millar, Mindy Newell, Mike Avon Oeming, Chuck Patton, Christopher J. Priest, Rick Stasi, Roy Thomas, and Mark Waid. You can find the link to the Kickstarter at RIGHT HERE or at 

Paul was kind enough to answer 5 questions for Mark Belkin of DC in the 80's about creativity and working at DC comics in the 1980's. On to the interview!

Multiverse Birthing Like What What <3.


Mark: Your new Kickstarter is a book asking 18 creators "Who, or what, inspired you most in your development as a comic book creator?" I would like to ask you, who, or what, inspired your work at DC in the 1980s? And did that change from the books you worked on in the beginning of the decade to the ones you worked on at the end?

Paul: My inspirations are baked in from childhood and they haven’t changed, although there have certainly been countless additions to them since. But early on I discovered the Mort Weisinger era Superman comics, The Adventures of Superman TV show, the Fleischer Popeye cartoons, the books of Edgar Rice Burroughs...really, if it was on TV or in the movies or on the newsstands, I was fair game. Jules Feiffer’s 1965 The Great Comic Book Heroes, which reprinted for the first time ever a bunch of Golden Age DC, Timely, and Quality stories was massively influential, and it was the book that made me aware that human beings could actually make comic books for a living. Mind blown!

For a lot of fans of my vintage, their holy trinity is Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Steve Ditko, and while I liked their stuff too, mine was Julie Schwartz, Carmine Infantino, and Gil Kane. Those were my guys and I studied everything they did. And it was a reprint of “The Flash of Two Worlds” from The Flash #123 (June 1961) in a 1965 Flash Annual that made me not just a reader, but a fan for life because the newspaper the Barry Allen Flash picks up once he’s crossed the dimensional barrier and is in Keystone City is dated “June 14, 1961.” June 14 is my birthday. The Multiverse was born on my birthday!

A classic Doom Patrol continuation by Paul and the wonderful Joe Staton.


Mark: Who were some artists that you really enjoyed working with at DC in the 1980s? Any fun stories you'd like to share?

Paul: I got into comics in 1975, when the business was just 40 years old, so a lot of the people who created the comic book industry were not only still alive but still active...DC’s then president and production manager Sol Harrison had done color separations on Famous Funnies #1 and Action Comics #1! So I loved when my stories would be drawn by guys I grew up reading, like Irv Novick, Curt Swan, Kurt Schaffenberger, Jim Aparo, Dick Giordano, Steve Ditko, Jerry Grandenetti, Dick Ayers, Jose Delbo, or Don Heck, but it was also cool to be paired with the new guys, like Don Newton, Marshall Rogers, Romeo Tanghal, Alex Saviuk, Howard Chaykin, and, of course, my friend and collaborator in every decade since the 1970s, Joe Staton.


Mark: Were there any team ups you wish you could have written in DC Comics Presents? Who would have been the artists?

Paul: I can’t really think of any unrealized DCCP team-ups at the time. I was fortunate, I suppose. Schwartz bought all the stories I pitched him for the title and would also throw team-ups he wanted to do my way. He even bought a Superman/Vigilante crossover from me (DCCP #92), which was I think, the only time a character from a non-Code series ever appeared in the book.

 Darkseid is so much bigger than everyone. Seems like an unfair fight.


Mark:  What was it like writing the second Super Powers series? Working with Jack Kirby? And having to write for such a huge tie and cartoon tie in? Dealing with Kenner?

Paul: Writing the second Super Powers series was fun. I approached the story like a 1960s Justice League of America adventure by breaking the heroes up into teams and sending them off on their individual odysseys before reuniting at the end to confront the bad guy. JLA was a favorite title of mine growing up in the ‘60s, so I was paying homage to that. I wish I could say I actually worked WITH Jack Kirby on that one, but when I wrote the scripts, I didn’t know he would be drawing them. Of course, I was thrilled when I found out it would him, but we never had any contact during the project. I handed in the scripts and Jack drew them as I wrote them. 

I didn’t think of Super Powers as a licensing tie-in, like I did when I’d written the Masters of the Universe comics for DC a few years. These were the same DC characters I’d been writing for a decade and reading for 15 years before that. I never had to deal with Kenner. That’s what editors are for, but I don’t recall any problems or feedback from them on my stuff.


Mark: Writing complicated people is challenging. In the 1980s you wrote a few, such as Robotman, Peacemaker, Vigilante, Phantom Stranger, and Negative Woman. What mindset did you have during that era when writing someone like them?

Paul: The first decade of my work is all pretty much straight forward superhero pablum, a little less simplistic than the 1960s stuff but still pretty basic. In the 1980s, when I started working on comics about characters who were just regular people like Vigilante and the Checkmate cast, I realized that I’d been using superpowers as a crutch, to avoid writing about the characters themselves. 

Ambush Bug, A Hero's Beginnings


Mark: Please tell us about your experience in writing Ambush Bug's first story with the beloved Keith Giffen

Paul: Not much to tell. I went in to plot an issue of DC Comics Presents with editor Julie Schwartz and he’d invited Keith to sit in on the story conference. It was pretty unusual in my experience to have the artist in the room, but I didn’t have any problem with it. I said I wanted to do a Doom Patrol story and when we started talking about a villain, Keith said he had an idea, although the character wasn’t exactly a bad guy. He described Ambush Bug to us as “Bugs Bunny with a teleportation device” and I was sold on the spot.

Mark: Thank you Paul. Good luck on your Kickstarter!!  

Saturday, January 6, 2024

M & M Inc. Read Through 1987's Justice League 1 Through 7 and Bwahaha All The Way.


Iconic much?

Justice League 1-7:  M&M Inc. are at it again

Mark: Welcome to another edition of M & M Inc., where Mark and Michael read some 80's DC Comics and chat about it. This time we are doing the classic of classic runs, the Bwa-ha-ha beginnings of Justice League.

The week we started, the world lost Keith Giffen. He's on my all time Mount Rushmore of comics creators, along with George Perez, Grant Morrison and the 4th changes often (John Byrne, Alan Moore, Rick Veitch, Jeff Lemire), but Keith Giffen is always there. So we decided let's do what we already know will be AMAZING (which is Bwahaha JL).

So, Keith Giffen and JM would discuss ideas, Keith would plot out the issues, draw a rough outline of the comic, that Kevin Maguire then would then illustrate, while JM Dematteis would create the words. Not only did this method work, it remains one of the most popular runs of all time. During the early age of grim and gritty, THAT team created one of the funnest books of all time. So Michael, before we start, what's your Mount Rushmore, and what are your thoughts on JLI?

RIP to the master Keith Giffen.

Michael: First of all, it’s good to be back with you for our comics thingamajig. Also, RIP to the Great Keith Giffen. His creativity reached far and wide across the DC Universe during his career. While he’s not on my Mount Rushmore, I respect him enormously. If we’re talking writers and artists together, mine probably consists of Chris Claremont, Frank Miller, John Byrne, and maybe Bill Sienkiewicz, just for his mind blowing art. I might even reach all the way back for Jack Kirby for one of the slots though—I didn’t take to his work immediately as a kid in the 80s, but I grew to love it and his contributions to comics are so overwhelmingly important. Otherwise it might be Morrison or Moore. I’m indecisive. 

I bought JLI every month back then, from issue 1 through about the early 30s, so about two and a half years or more. I know it’s become a cliche to say now, but this book really was a breath of fresh air at the time. I remember how excited I was each month to pick up the latest issue. I really took to the comedy stuff, but there was also some drama and action too, which people sometimes forget when they only remember “Bwa ha ha.”

The DBag Lantern is Introduced.

Issue #1

Mark: This is a top 5 all time iconic cover (posted at the beginning of the article). COPRA Press Club on Facebook posted homages of this, and there were literally 100s. Shoutout to Michel Fiffe, creator of my favorite indie book COPRA. I still remember buying this issue after Byrne's Legends, and thinking "Wow, this is something else."

Michael: Reading this issue when it first came out, I felt like I was getting in on the ground floor with something that was going to be really special. And of course it was! Rereading it now I’m struck by how great the characterizations are; we get to know the new Leaguers really well through their interactions (and nonstop squabbling). DeMatteis and his snappy dialogue establish their basic personalities. I love the characters they selected for the reformed League, especially keeping J’onn, who is so synonymous with the Justice League for me. Same with Black Canary—and even though I missed her original costume back then, Maguire draws her 80s version better than most artists ever could. To this day, I think this is still the only time I’ve read a book with this iteration of Doctor Light (besides Crisis). I liked her, but I can see early on how she’s just too sane and reasonable to last long with this group of volatile personalities (I’m looking at you, Guy).

Speaking of Guy, where do you stand on him, Mark? He’s the freakin’ worst. 

Here comes Ahole Batman to talk to DBag GL.

Mark: I detest Guy Gardner. I get what they were going for with him, but I can't stand him. Narcissistic red head who stumbles on power and thinks way too highly about themselves? Not for me. Dr. Light 2 on the other hand I have a soft spot for. She was a Crisis character, and I'm sure she showed up in 90s comics I never read.

Right from the get go the jokes are flying. A Mussolini joke, Sylvester Stalone being a shitty role model, but then you get a super serious emotional moment with J'onn 5 pages in. It's so good! Honestly it's still fresh. 

Was restaurant beepers a thing in 1987? Max Lord gave Dr. Light one to signal when the Justice League has a meeting. Today's its to tell you when your table is ready at Red Lobster.

So Michael, is asshole Batman (Mike O' Barr version) back? 

Michael: I’m kind of surprised how much I have always loved this series considering I can’t stand Gardner and this is not my preferred characterization of Batman. But even though Bats is an asshole here, he is the straight man the book needs to balance all the comedic hijinks. Plus he has some funny moments too, like when he’s incredulous about no one listening to his orders. When he was a jerk to the Outsiders it felt like he was punching down, but with the League it cracks me up that the other members mostly seem to shrug and go, “Whatever, dude.”

I remember being really sad when (spoilers!) Dr. light leaves the book, so I share your soft spot for sure. A restaurant beeper playing such a big part in this issue makes me smile. And I agree, the issue feels so fresh and is such a joy to read. It’s like a classic sitcom or something, sure it’s going to have it dated moments (I hate that criticism of anything, honestly), but it still pops and sings and has such great energy. Love it. 

Issue 2:

Mark: I am legit happy to read issue 2. As you get older, it's so much harder to read things if they're boring. As a kid, I feel like I would just continue buying things even if I lost interest. I lost interest in West Coast Avengers, but not Justice League. 

So they're watching a news opinion show about them, who's pushing their agenda. Little did they know news opinion shows would end up collapsing the world. And then we get Max Lord, who is 100% Sam Neill in Omen. 

You know, I actually would love to ask JM Dematteis what the idea behind Guy Gardner was. It's too just TOO much chaos, but they make it work… I guess.

Another jerk, Max Lord. Still, likeable.

Michael: I was thinking the same thing. Life is too short to read boring comics. I’m excited to reread these issues and it really does bring me joy to revisit this series. It's just as fun to read now as when I was 12 or 13 or whatever it was. 

Yeah man, the prophetic news and political stuff in this issue is almost overwhelming. Gardner is intensely overwhelming too. I cringe at every line he delivers, which was the intent, but Jesus he’s a bit much. And of course he’s a fanboy of “Ronnie.” It would be interesting to ask DeMateis about Guy. 

Man, how beautiful is that Maguire cover? I mean, most of his covers on this series are gorgeous, of course. I love how he draws faces. He’s a bit like our boy Alan Davis in that regard, he’s so damn good with facial expressions. 

Mark: Maguire's faces are amazing. Top notch. Theres one of Black Canary looking angerly at Guy, and its my favorite drawing of her face ever. So I've read that the villains are based on Thor, Yellowjacket and Scarlett Witch. I wonder why Keith and JM picked those three? And Guy, is that a commentary of dbag right wingers? Did they know a guy like this and were making fun of him? Dr. Light even asks Beetle why they put up with him and he doesn't know. This has to be a personal dig. 

Oh wait, didn't Squadron Supreme do a version of the Justice League cleaning up the world but causing a mess? So they have some Avengers cleaning up the DC world from nukes, but causing a mess. Just a guess. There's a scene where Thor's eyes light up when he calls lightning and holy shit that's an amazing illustration. And the issues ends way too timely, and a Beatles reference. JM Dematteis loves the Beatles.

Michael: Did these supervillains exist already in the DCU? Either way I love the reading of them as  analogs for those Marvel mainstays. DeMatteis and Giffen had to be making a dig at someone they knew with Guy. He’s so clearly in the wrong every step of the way! I can’t stand him. But I know “one punch” is coming so I’m being patient!

So much fun. Life is short, read good comics.

Issue 3

Mark: I'm tired and life is rough, this is a nice escape. Do you think someone will read all the way down here? Hello hello. Is there anybody in hereeee. I feel Kevin Maguire's art took a leap here. It's looking more confident and developed. His faces are just so good. 

Urgh, Blue Beetle and Black Canary talking Dostoyvesky could be an entire issue of a comic for me and I would be happy. I'm flying through and I don't remember the art being this good. Issue #3 is some of the finest art on any series. 

Michael: People better be reading all of our witty and incisive commentary on this fine series! Yeah man, Maguire definitely accelerates into a higher gear right here. This is the issue where I remember being blown away by his art. And he just kept getting better. Wandjina’s pained expression as he watches the nuclear meltdown is peak Maguire. So good. He also draws an awesome Dr. Light and she hasn’t even worn her costume yet!

I knew you’d dig the Russian lit stuff. That whole scene made my crush on Canary stronger than ever. Is it weird to crush on a comic book character? I wish they’d discussed The Master and Margarita too!

Mark: It's crazy how much I love this Canary, compared to Longbow Hunters Canary. BTW it just struck me, just a year before this the horrendously bad Superman 4 came out, and it was about getting rid of nukes by a superhero. It seems noble enough, but in this comic, it definitely shows how it didn't work. Also, BTW Part 2, why did the nuclear plant start melting down? Did it get worried about the superheros arguing and felt flustered? It got the vapors.

And poor Thor will now be cut open by the Russians. I wonder what happened to him in 4 years when the USSR collapsed? Onto issue 4!

A variant cover to #3!

Issue 4

Michael: This issue starts with Doctor Light departing, which probably bums us both out because we were fans. Wonder why we never got to see her in costume during these issues? I also wonder, did they have plans for her but drop them? Anyway, let’s talk about the Royal Flush Gang! Always one of my favorites of DC’s themed villain groups. Have they ever teamed up with the Joker? If not, it feels like a missed opportunity. 

This issue is a great showcase for Booster Gold and his talents. Later he would seem much goofier, but here he’s downright heroic. Although Max Lord is behind this Royal Flush attack, right? But Booster doesn’t know that. I think? Anyway, I’m glad that soon after this issue Maguire stopped drawing his hair in a buzz cut, because that’s definitely not how Booster would wear his hair. 

Mark: I think Joker teamed with the Royal Flush Gang on the Justice League cartoon? Am I imagining that? When Batman Beyond was talking to Walller and she had the flashback.

Yeah. Dr. Light leaving makes me think something was up and they dropped her. She never even wore her costume. And I almost feel like emailing JM Dematteis to ask him JUST about Guy Gardner. Was this a joke with Giffen? 

This fight scene with Booster versus Royal Flush Gang is so well drawn. And it goes from action to Bugs Bunny comedy with Booster hitting Ten, the 80s smile from the leader (Batman smiling?) and turning around to see Ace. What a great page! And it ends with the first Booster Beetle team up. What a special comic book.

Michael: I demand a DeMatteis interview at DC in the ‘80s about these questions. I would love some insight into how Guy came to be what he came to be in this series. He was always awful, but Justice League brought him to new prominence for being a jerk. 

That Booster-Beetle tea up up at the end makes my heart happy. Such a great moment, such a great issues. I’m so glad we’re reading this series again right now. 

A top 10 all time moment in comic books.

Issue 5

Michael: And here we are, the famous “one punch” issue! That moment and the “Moving Day” issue are probably the two most referenced moments from this series. After Guy is knocked out and lying  on the floor, I realized his boots look like little kids’ snow boots, which seems appropriate for bratty, immature Guy. God, I hate him. I love how Beetle is the constant voice of reason and clearly Batman respects him enough to let him mouth off to him. 

Mark: What should I ask JM? I think I could email and ask a few specific questions. 

So…. I really wish I could live in Salem, Massachusetts. I think about it all the time. I would totally be Dr. Fate in Salem. Fate, or just be stuck in a loop of One Punch. Still as iconic as any scene in any comic. And there you have it. Why Garder was so annoying. He was the built up heel that the babyface Batman took out. The scene is so popular because Guy is such a douchebag for so long. An exercise in classic storytelling. Keith Giffen remains my hero.

Michael: Even though it’s probably been asked before, I’d be curious to know how JM, Keith and I imagine Andy Helfer selected the team members, and did they always plan on getting rid of Dr. Light and later bringing in mainstays like Fire and Ice, or did that all just happen organically?

If any town was made for you Mark, it’s Salem. That whole first section of this issue is so different, tonally, from the second part with One Punch, but both parts work perfectly! 

The faces are amazing. Maguire deserves his roses.

Issue 6

Mark: So 5 ended with Captain Marvel doubting himself because he's 15, and Creeper being introduced. Creeper is a character that Keith Giffen was born to do a lot with, but I don't remember much. I know there's a Flash backup he did that I've never read. 

In reading issue 6, I see how cinematic it all is. I can see the actors Maguire based his faces on, and the movement Giffen had for the story. The mile a minute joked and action. This would have made an amazing TV show of the time. Moonlighting but with Superheroes. This felt like act 2 from act 1 that was issue 5.

Michael: The Giffen-DeMatteis-Maguire approach here is all so cinematic, you’re right. So who are the actors you think Maguire used as reference? Obviously, Sam Neil for Max Lord.

So the Grey Man helpfully recounted his oeigin story and motives for us here, but I’m still not sure what he’s talking about. I do love that sent duplicates of himself into the world to “collect leftover dream-essence from the souls of the dead.” That is pretty boss. 

Creeper is a cool character, very anarchic. I love his kooky getup, that shawl/cape thing is awesome. He’s such an “only in comics” creation. Thank you, Mr. Ditko. Black Canary is stealing every panel she’s in for me. She had some great snarky retorts in this issue, like when she insulted Beetle’s costume. 

Mark, how did you like preppy Hal Jordan’s cameo? With that sweater around his neck he must’ve been going yachting later. 

Mark: Sam Neil from Omen was a quick find for me as the inspiration for Max Lord. I know I recognize Grey Man but I can't place it. There should be a website just dedicated to this. I would ask Kevin next time I see him at a convention but he might be angry.

Love Black Canary in this, probably my favorite 80s characterization of her. And Hal's preppy look is just God level 80s accuracy. I wonder why Creeper was only in two issues? Oh well. I know Giffen had a sweet spot for crazy ass characters. 

He's in control. NOT!

Issue 7

Michael: Well, here we are, the issue where they officially become the Justice League International. I remember thinking this was so radical and cool back then. I had forgotten President Reagan makes a cameo (complete with reference to Nancy, too). Has it been established at this point why Superman is not a member of the league? Because this is post-Crisis and I’m now old and have forgotten so much of what I used to know, what was the league’s history to this point, in the post-Crisis DCU? Had the classic JLA been a thing for years at this point, or did Crisis wipe that out? That’s one thing with this reread I’m finding confusing, trying to make sense of what JLA came before this. 

Mark: No, I think they were a team before and this is them coming back together. And I say that because of the Justice League of America entry in Who's Who.. you know what, I'm not sure. I'm going to go look at History of the DC Universe by Marv Wolfman and George Perez. I just looked at they don't have Superman on the first Justice League of America page. Wonder Woman I know they pushed off for no good reason, and she was replaced by Black Canary. I think.. the idea was to make things not so dependent on Superman, and I know I read the editorial reasons somewhere. It's not a bad idea in practice, but Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman should be a part of the Justice League, IMO. Also, a Green Lantern and a Flash. While I'm at it, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman. But then I also love the Grant Morrison them being Greek gods thing. Do you know about that? Right. Issue. 

Michael: Yeah, all of that sounds familiar and I definitely recall seeing/reading it in various places over the years. I fully agree, Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman need to be founders of the Justice League. Morrison’s JLA was AMAZING. Just so epic and grand and heroic. I loved every page of it. Okay, right. Issue. 

Mark: I guess Reagan remembered Superman as much as he remembered about Iran-Contra. I'm sure be remembered much more about trickle down economics which absolutely continues to devastate America, but I digress. Anyways…

Michael: Anyways, great issue. Dr. Fate leaves, but not before being a badass and helping take care of the Gray Man. We get a glimpse of Barda yelling at Scott, Guy Gardner has had a personality transplant since getting knocked on the head (by what?), and Batman makes J’onn the new JLI’s leader, which was very appropriate. I like how they had J’onn express to Maxwell Lord just how much his identity is wrapped up in the League, because it’s so true. I can’t think of the character without thinking of the Justice League.

Mark: I remember thinking “Damn double sized issue. I guess the Gray Man fights going to be big.” And then it was over in two pages. Gray Man was a big confusing to me. Blue Beetle even mentions “So that's it?!” I will say, he was in line with early Justice League of America villains. New character, big stakes, affected them all, then gone before the next adventure. 

Michael: I know the Doctor Fate mini was around this time, so the Gray Man stuff felt like a backdooor pilot kind of thing, introducing readers to Fate’s world. No idea if that was the intention, but Giffen and DeMatteis wrote the Fate mini so I assume it was at least part of the motivation. 

Mark: It was a backdoor pilot for the Dr. Fate miniseries! It was a sitcom. Now that I think about it, Fate became the kid and woman and moved away from Kent Nelson. Dr. Fate and Martian Manhunter kind of fit a similar archetype of facilitator and connector, and it was a very conscious decision on the writer's part to have only one. I feel JM and Keith had a very good idea of the roles they wanted people to play, which is very situational sitcom. Creeper almost feels like when on Seinfeld they all just suddenly have a close friend you've never seen before or after, it's for the story. Like the “Got to see the baby” couple, or the couple that invites everyone out to their shack and Kramer steals the lobsters. Like how do they know these people?

Michael: I feel like this happened a lot during this run of JLI. Other heroes came and went in what felt like the blink of an eye. Like, it was almost one of the hallmarks of the book. I would get excited—“Oh, Creeper! Cool!”—but before I knew it they were gone. I guess it was like rotating guest stars for their sitcom. 

Mark: It was a sitcom thing. Oh its Uncle Creeper coming to stay for the weekend. He makes jokes! He has a stories about little kid Dad! He has a drinking problem. Speaking of adult situations, I want so much more of Big Barda being an angry wife at Mister Miracle. So relatable! Hal Jordan wondering what you and I were wondering, why let in Guy? My theory is still Keith Giffen loves chaos. Order and chaos, big for JM and Keith in their comic book writings. 

Michael: I loved Hal expressing what we’ve been saying for seven issues now! Yeah, I’m sure you’re right, Giffen especially probably wanted that chaotic actor (Guy) because he creates all sort of tension and storytelling possibilities for the other characters to react to. Ad much as we can’t stand Guy, the book definitely wouldn’t be as memorable without his contributions. 

Mark: So this other thing is causing Havoc to get the JL to be accepted by the media and UN. But Max Lord doesn't pull the strings. Who does? It's funny because this very much came off of Legends, where media manipulation was big, and now this. And this Earth camera feeding the footage of the fight against an alien invader, which was so hot in the 80s because Reagan mentioned it, and Moore used it in Watchman, and Outer Limits was in reruns. Which had me thinking “wouldn't people just know they're being manipulated?”, and the UN official totally says “we are being manipulated”, and the other official say “who cares?” And that's really the point of the story and why we are where we are in human existence. Who cares about truth? Only perception matters.

Michael: Totally eerie reading this now, in our “post-truth” world. It feels like early stages of that, although of course we both know that went on forever before the 80s, but it feels like JLI captured that zeitgeist moment really well. So today, looking back on it, the whole thing feels prescient. Just one more reason this series is evergreen. 

Mark: Yeah. As the world started to care less about truth, and the world became more international,  so did the Justice League. A really great last shot, them meeting the United Nations. Man, what a story. This is as good now as it was then. I'm going to continue reading it until Giffen and DM step off the book. I read until about summer of 1989, when I stopped reading comics regularly. What are your final thoughts?

Michael: I stayed with it up to around issue 30 or so back then, then I’ve read some of the issues in the 40s and 50s since, but just randomly. I might read on now, too. It’s so good. Mature yet immature, a perfect balance of drama and comedy. Mark, revisiting this with you was a blast! It’s extremely gratifying to realize something that meant so much to me as a teen still resonates with me today. Can’t wait for our next M&M collaboration. 

My best friend John did this homage image above for the DC in the 80s site. Thanks John! - Mark